How to make Paneer - Cottage Cheese

Preparation Time : 2hrs 30 min


Milk - 2 liters
Vinegar or lemon juice - 3-4 tablespoon

Other material
Cotton cloth (thick)


1. Boil the milk on high heat in a thick bottomed sauce-pan. (make sure that during boiling, milk does not burn or spill out from the pan)
2. As soon as milk starts boiling turn the heat to medium and then add vinegar or lemon juice to it. Now keep on stirring the milk very slowly.
3. Some solid will start separating from whey (Chena water), in about 2-3 minutes (whey - yellowish liquid that is left from milk after the solid part has been separated).
Note: If whey is not transparent, add a little more vinegar or lemon juice to it and stir slowly..

4. Filter the mixture through a strainer and put the solid in the cloth and wrap it.
5. Put it on the reverse of a flat surface plate and put a heavy weight on it, to let the extra water squeeze out of it.
6. Tilt the plate slightly, so that liquid can squeeze out completely.
7. Leave it below the weight for atleast 2 hours.
8. Paneer (cottage cheese) is ready to cook
TIP : You can keep paneer refrigerated for 3-4 days, but before cooking it make sure that it's in good condition.
Note: Approximately you can get 270 - 280 gm of paneer out of 2 kg milk

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Anonymous said…
paneer is Ricotta cheese
Anonymous said…
hi its a good procedure to make paneer, but i want to know that the cottage cheese which we can buy from outside, works as paneer or not, as i have bought but it was like liquid not the loaf of paneer!! if u can, please reply me on my mail id:
thank u
patel dhiren said…
@ cottagecottage cheese(Americans),paneer(indian) riccota cheese(Italian) all are the same.jus the difference betwwen the place.